

Upcoming for June
Our next update has been rescheduled for June 29th. We will be introducing new changes to the tutorial zones and making several improvements to the newbie experience. In addition, we will be fully instancing the Plane of Time, adding a number of new healing potions, and making additional changes to classes including introducing some new spells.

Keep your eyes open for some exciting events that will be taking place in Norrath. You won't want to miss out.

New Potions!
With the next update, we’ll be adding a whole series of new healing and buff potions to the game. These potions can be created through trade skills and can also be purchased off various merchants.
全ての新しいヒーリングとbuffポーションを追加。trade skillで作ったりNPCから(多くのポーションを)買ったりできるだろう。

New Spells and Disciplines!
New fear spells that will affect higher level creatures.

pure meleeがsoloできなくもない程度の性能のものを追加してください。切望。(もちろん使えるclassもpure meleeのみとかもあり)

An upgrade to Word of Morell for Enchanters
(enc用の)Word of Morellはアップグレードされた。

Lower level versions of the melee guard disciplines for Shadowknights and Paladins.
shdとpalに低いlvlのguard discが追加された。(lucyで確認。shdのはichorl guardっていうやつ。lvl56)

Lower level spells in the Spirit of the Panther line for Shaman.
spirit of the pantherのラインに低いlvl用のspellが追加。(lucyで確認spirit of Jaguar今日からジャガーさんと呼ぼうヽ(´∇`)ノlvl57。もしかしたらPLにごにょごにょ…。つか、panther>leopald>jaguarなのか。)

Lower level spells in the Ward of Righteousness line for Clerics.
低lvl用the Ward of Righteousnessがclrに。

Plane of Time Instanced!
Every raid force will now get their own version of the zone when they enter it.
sinzanには関係ないから大丈夫。plane of timeがinstanceになった。
全てのraid forceはゾーンしたときに自分自身バージョンのゾーンを得るだろう。(timeが多様化するということか。どういうflagになるかは不明だけどraid force毎にtactがかわるのでしょう…)

New Tutorial!
The new player tutorial now supports players up to level 10 and has been completely redone with new art, new monsters, and new quests.
Many new quests have been added to continue the learning from levels 10 to 20.

New Live Event!
Dark forces are stirring within the heart of Neriak.